Licensing Terms

If you use our printables, you must abide by the following terms:

All Printables

You may not do the following with any of our printables regardless of whether you use the free or paid versions:

  • Distribute the files to others
  • Sell the files or printouts
  • Create derivative works to sell
  • Incorporate them into works intended for distribution including books, games, software, videos, etc.
  • Offer the files for download
  • Claim a design as your own or include it in your portfolio
  • Use the printables for any political purpose

Free Printables

Personal and educational use are allowed for our free printables.

Educational use is limited to homeschooling, classrooms, and similar situations. Large-scale reproduction, distribution via websites, etc. is not allowed.

The watermark must remain visible. You may not remove, cover up, or otherwise obscure the watermark. If you want to remove the watermark, purchase the premium version of the printable.

Business use is not allowed. You must purchase a premium version of a printable if you want to use it for business purposes.

Premium Printables

You may use paid versions of our printables for your business on a limited basis, but you may not sell, distribute, or otherwise make money from them. For example, using a border to create a flyer to promote your business is okay. Using the same border to create a flyer template that you distribute or sell to others isn't allowed.

When you purchase a premium version of a printable, you are only purchasing the files. We are unable to provide support for teaching you software, troubleshooting printer issues, or anything remotely similar.